Report a concern
We believe that complaints and compliments are a valuable indicator of the quality of our service, and an opportunity to improve that quality. We assure all Service Users that no-one will be victimised for making a complaint, and we encourage Service Users to instigate the complaints procedure whenever they feel that this is necessary.
We do not wish to confine complaints to major issues. We encourage Service Users to comment when relatively minor matters are a problem to them, such as receiving cold food, or being kept waiting without explanation, or being spoken to in a manner that they do not like.
It is our policy that all matters which disturb or upset a Service User should be reported, recorded, and corrective action should be taken. Only in that way can we work towards meeting our aim of continuously improving our service
Contact us free on 08082081710 or email us using the form below.
Our commitments are that:
- all complaints will be taken seriously
- all complaints will be acted upon with fairness and impartially
- you will receive a response within 24 hours of the complaint being made, and a final reply within 28 days
- if the complaint is upheld, you will receive a written apology and appropriate action will be taken to rectify the complaint, and you will be informed of what the action is
- service users are entitled to involve an impartial third party in the complaint procedure if they so wish